I have been working on a custom scenario for this years Big Game. It a culmination of the map campaign zone battle between the forces of Slaanesh and the Night Lords vs. the Marines Errant and the Flesh Tearers. This final battle will take place at the Vraburgh Urban Sprawl Hive.
The Set Up
The Citizens of the Vraburgh Urban Sprawl have been without power for months now, rations are slim, and a call for aid has been largely unheard. The Hive's sound system has been blasting terrible screams and strange heavy metal music for some time now. Shadows move in the darkness and strange multi-colored flashes of light are a common occurrence driving the populace into hiding and bringing many of the people to the brink of insanity.
What the populace doesn't know is their call for aid has been answered by the some of the Emperor's finest. The Marines Errant and Flesh Tearers. Will their incursion be enough to save the Hive's populace from the terrors sure to be bestowed upon them by the forces of Chaos?
The Mission
The objective of the game will be to capture/secure civilian models. Each civilian model is worth 1 victory point. The side who acquires the most VP's will be considered the victor.
Civilian Model Rules
Civilian models will be placed inside the city terrain portion of the board. They will be spread around fairly so neither side has an advantage. (Civ's) cannot be shot at in the shooting phase and can only be acquired in the assault phase by moving within 1 inch of a Civ model. A player may collect as many Civ models as they like but most maintain unit coherency at all times. A player may assault both an enemy unit and Civ models in the same charge, but one model may only collect one Civ per charge phase.
For example: A unit of 7 Noise Marines charges 5 Flesh Tearers and 2 Civ models, 5 Noise Marines use attacks against Flesh Tearers while 2 collect Civ's.
Civilian models will only move in the movement phase if a model with the key word (Chaos) comes within 6 inches of them. In which case they will move directly away from the model with the keyword (Chaos) 6 inches. Civ's who reach a board edge will be considered "huddled masses" and stop their movement. The are considered too terrified to move and are cowering in the fetal position!
The 6 inch Civ move can be stopped by a model with the (Imperial) keyword. If a fleeing Civ movement takes them within 6 inches of a model (Imperial) it will immediately stop as it is receiving instructions from the relief force.
Civ models will be removed from the table and counted as a VP only in the player's morale phase after any morale tests have been taken. And by models that moved within 1 inch in the assault phase. Any Civ's contacted by a model via a consolidation move after a victory in assault must wait until their next player turn to collect the VP. Being within 1 inch of a Civ model does not protect the (Chaos/Imperial) model from being shot at in the shooting phase.
Example: The Marines Errant unit wipes out a unit of Night Lords in the assault phase, they then consolidate into 3 Civ's. These Civ's cannot be collected until the end Errant next morale phase. ie. the Errant models within 1 inch must now wait a full turn before collecting these VPs.
One (Chaos/Imperial) model may only collect one Civ model per turn.
Game Turns
The winner of the map zone results (currently 21 Chaos 3 Imperial) will go first. So a game turn consists of Chaos/Civilian movement /Imperial/Civilian movement.
More to come as we test this out a bit and discuss point size and deployment zones ect...
Comments, Questions, Nasty Statements??